Monday, April 23, 2012

I Will Rest in the Character of God

About a year ago I got an iPhone. Its been great! When I discovered the notepad on the iPhone I was so happy! I always found myself grabbing for a random sheet paper to write down my random thoughts and then would just end up losing them (always such a bummer!) But now I can write them on my phone and have them forever! People probably think, "Man, that girls is texting up a storm, she is going to get carpal tunnel's." or even "Who on God's green earth could she be texting a novel too?!" Well friends, yes, I do text a lot, but its more likely that I am writing out my random thoughts and prayers to God. I never share them with anyone, until today! For some reason, I just felt like I should share my thoughts from today. Warning-- it may not have any cohesion. But, my thoughts don't always have cohesion. YAY for the A.D.D mind!

In my confusion, the Lord is steadfast and sure. In my weakness, the Lord is strong and uplifting. In my hurt, the Lord is comforting.

For I am worthy of good things. I am worthy of better things than I think I even want. For my God knows my wants, but even better, He wants to give me my needs in all perfection.
I have given my life over completely to God. That includes everything. That includes my wants and desires. It includes my thoughts and my actions. That includes my future and relationships. That includes my gifts and passions. That even includes the promises I thought the Lord gave me. The Lord can give and he can even more so take away. I may not understand his taking away in this moment, but I press onward knowing that there joy in his EVERY action. For I have cried out, not my will but Your will be done! I cannot be upset with God. That's silly. For he sees the bigger picture. But I am just a spec in a massive plan. I can only see the tiniest glimpse of what is around me. But praise to the one whom I can look to in all hope. He is one I can continually boast in. He is the one whom I can put hope and trust in. Therefore my joy is in him! I may not be happy. I am downtrodden. But I have ETERNAL PEACE, HOPE, & JOY because my Father WHO created me in my mother's womb and has me written in the palm of his hand see's me! HE gives me identity. HE give me purpose. HE gives me HOPE & FUTURE. In the Psalms this man lays me in green pastures and leads me beside still and quiet waters. In Isaiah he lays my foundations with sapphires. He has turned my mourning into dancing!

The gospel speaks of this man (Jesus) & how he SUFFERED & DIED for me. Many would say the resurrection is the most important. But the cross. Oh if I could only understand & know the cross better. The cross. That's where it began. If it wasn't for the cross, there wouldn't be a resurrection.

He gives and gives and gives. Therefore, the ONLY thing I can ask of him is that he would have grace for me and if he is willing that he would use my hands and my feet to serve him and to go wherever and do whatever he needs! For there are people in this world who do not know this man and that breaks my heart and all I can say is, "not on my watch." They need to know the man who calls them by a new name and makes all things new. For he has come to bind up the broken hearted and to set captives free. All of our souls have an eternal longing and it can only be satisfied by his presence. Praise the Lord that I finally found where I belong. Now, it's my joyful duty to partner with God on his great journey.

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