So, why has it been so long since I have posted?? OH, its because I had lost my camera, but don't you even worry. Jade found it in her room. . . ha. So a lot has gone down since I last posted. Thanksgiving, baking, decorating, zumba, wrapping presents, cookie trays, and Christmas! woo!
I have found a new thing that I LOVE. ZUMBA! I go 3 times a week and I would go more if I could. It is such a blast and its working out. What in the world? I get to dance and move my hips and stay in shape. What a concept.
Well lately, I have been studying for finals and for breaks of studying I would bake/cook of course. duh. If you were lucky and sat with me you got my baked goodies! I made all kinds of cookies, oreo filled brownie cups, and trail mix that had honey and peanutbutter. I could have eaten that til the day I died. After finals I stayed in town and worked til the last possible day that I could. Ya see. . my parents moved to a teeny town with a population of 400. YEP. You saw that correctly, 400. I have to drive about 35 miles to go "into" town. It kinda stinks to be honest, I don't know anyone here and I have to travel to do anything. Love my parents and I love their new place, but still its rough. So at work I baked, decorated cookies, and made lots of cookie trays. I got some pictures to show! So I'll stop boring you with writing and just post some pictures. Pictures speak louder than words right? I think so.
these are some hand painted and butter cream decorated sugar cookies that I did. (most of them anyways)
yummy sugar glazed pecans and almonds and some white chocolate popcorn snack to go into goodie bags with the cookies
ok this is seriously the BEST bread pudding you will ever eat. White Chocolate Raspberry bread pudding. You will NEVER get the recipe out of me. Maybe if you paid me big bucks. . . even then MAYBE. Yes that is how good it is. My uncle said that it rivals his favorite bread pudding from a restaurant called Mercury in Dallas and thats a 4 star restaurant.
okay and lastly! Yup, I slaved away over painting cookies and I still didn't have time to finish. I had to finish packaging them in the car on the way up to Dallas. But the popcorn that went into them sure did make great snacking material. I told myself, "Whatever falls out of the bag I will eat. . somehow I kept "spilling". Ooops ;-) Also, if you want to paint and package cookies, make sure you give yourself many hours to let the cookies dry. I probably only let dry for like 2 hours so some got smooshed when packaged. The good thing is . . kids could care less, they will eat anything with sugar. . and so will I. My mom loves the cookie plain with out any icing. I'm not sure how many she ate. I think like 5 one day and 3 the next haha. We love cookies.
Then the picture of my lovely family minus my brother Christmas Eve.He got sick and had to miss the big family Christmas party :( Its always such wonderful time.
Until next time. . . I hope every single one of you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas season!!